This is such a beautiful picture of New Life! Babies are amazing and wonderful, whether they be human or horse. Just gazing on the simple yet utter complexity of creation gives us reason to pause.
How much more must our Lord Jesus rejoice in the new life of a son who believes! We are all known for our fruit and the fruit that we are producing is new believers in Jesus.
This past week our family had the privilege to attend a conference with the Christian Outreach Center in Chiang Mai. We were challenged and encouraged as we met with other Asian leaders and workers for a time of worship, prayer, teaching and fellowship.
One of the couples we met were a native couple, living and working in Bangladesh. This humble couple is from the lowest class in their country. Because of their class they are unable to even get their hair cut in a shop. But they are diligently working to produce fruit. In the last few years, they have won over 26,000 new believers to the Lord. One of their own disciples was beheaded for his faith. Yet they are not discouraged. They are on fire and willing to give it all for Jesus.
This precious couple does not have a house of their own to live in. We would love to be able to give them a simple home. This will cost about 30,000 USD. During one meeting of the conference, COC was able to raise over 3,400 for this couple. I am asking that you would add to that to see this couple blessed in a way that many of us can't begin to appreciate. If you would like to donate, please send a check to ISAAC, In, t, 4960 Bentridge Drive, Concord, NC 28027 and make sure to mark "Bangladesh" in the memo line.
There is no reason we shouldn't be able to give these laborers the basic needs within the month. Thanks so much for believing with me. New life is what it is all about. Let's feed His sheep and take care of His lambs.
I love you all...
Do you happen to have a place I could give to online?